Monday, 16 January 2017

Minor Project: Reflective Statement

Within the Minor Project I feel that my success was mostly in the first half of my project. 

When deciding on a project idea I felt with this project I came to a decision pretty quickly, something I had struggled with before. Knowing my weaknesses of starting off slow, and the anxieties I feel starting a new project I worked with tutors to ensure I was ontrack early. For these first weeks I felt very successful in the work I was producing and any problems were solved quickly because I was asking for help. 

Later on however I was confronted by personal issues which lead me away from help within the course and threw me off track and unfortunately it felt a little like I never really got back to a place in which I was comfortable with the work I was producing. Therefore the work I produced for my submission was not to a standard I wanted but the best I could produce within the time left. 

This project was essentially a translation of drawings and information provided and although they were fairly successful, some models were were more successful than others. For me the best translation was the Spider, the drawing was simple and therefore this was easier to translate over the other models such as the ferret which I feel is the least successful. 

I really like the concept of this project however towards the end of the Minor project, although I was determined to finish it in a good place, I did stop enjoying it. This is a factor I believe in why it wasn't as successful as I had hoped it to be, the lack of enjoyment meant that I was less able to stay determined and push through. 

I have however had a positive time with this project, learning new skills in Maya and improving upon my rigging knowledge. I also had success in a professional way by asking six voice over artists for their talents and with branding my blog.

Moving forward I will no longer be continuing this project as a year long project as I had originally intended but instead be starting a new project for the Major and taking these successes with me. 

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Minor Project: Complete Snake Rig

It took some troubleshooting however this is the rigging I've completed for the snake. 

The first stage required using Lattices in order to be able to move pieces around fully as the geometry isn't solid enough for a standard rig. Using Joints these were then skinned on the lattices. 

Then to have control over separate joints I added individual controls with point and orient constraints and parented these together. 

 I then cleaned up the rig and named and coloured the controls so it would be ready for another animator to animate if they so wish. 
