I started by writing a possible script for the "Tale of the Rainbow Cat" and mostly took from the story itself. This is my first draft.
Rainbow Cat (First Draft) by kaylieghanderson on Scribd
Rather than having a narration I felt that speech would work better. It does mean I would need a facial rig for my characters and during animating I would need to spend time on lip syncs. I think this suits me better as I like the idea of bringing a character to life!
I also started some really basic Cat thumbnails with ink to understand what shapes would work best for the Rainbow Cat.
My favourite thumbnails are 1, 4 and 7. I think a mix of both circles and triangles will show that the Rainbow cat is both good and cunning.
I'm going to continue with some Cat thumbnails now that I have a better idea of what I'd like but I'm always open to ideas and suggestions!
I'll have a look at your script, Kayleigh - but I suggest you do some old school observational drawings of actual cats - watch them on video, take a proper look, because I think these cats are 'drawings of drawings of drawings' as opposed to coming from a place of 'cat knowledge' and 'cat anatomy'. I know you're seeking to stylise, but let's see some fundamentals on here!
ReplyDeleteOkay - I've read your script and I don't want to be Mr Nay-Say, but I don't get it really. You've got LOTS of characters suddenly - including a girl who appears for a few seconds, only to fall completely out of your story - which seems, in Maya terms, a hell of an expenditure for not much screen time! This story also feels very, um, not personal or 'about' anything really. I don't know the original story of the rainbow cat admittedly, but this does feel like a bit of a dud to me. It's all a bit 'Carebears' and 'My little Pony' too.
ReplyDeleteKayliegh - It's a 'no' from me. There's always an animation to be made out of cats - but this isn't it. Can you just list all your ideas so far, including the lemur stuff etc. - but can you think a bit more about the realities of getting a story told in Maya, so ways of telling stories creatively with one or two characters at most etc?