So far in terms of rigging I've added the main part of the models skeleton creating a center joint and 'hip' joints out using locators as guides. I've also added one of the legs again using locators. I plan to add the legs all the way round and ik each leg in a similar way to the tail tutorial so they move!
Friday, 27 March 2015
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Fantastic Voyage: Influenza Model and texturing test
Non-smooth model
Smooth model
Here's my model for my influenza virus! I've added more geometry now and hopefully he should be able to move his legs well enough when I rig and animate him! I also got a little advice from some third years because as I was cleaning him up there were a lot of weird vertexs looming around the model, they're now gone and shouldn't cause any problems! I noticed however that the default lambert wasn't really doing my model much justice so I added some surface shaders and rendered him and it was actually really effective and the look that I was going for.
Texture Test
Very pleased with this! I'm hoping to figure out some rigging soon. I'm interested to know what this will look like in white space.